[版块活动] ๑音乐无极限,★HTML码成品分享帖(网络收集转)
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- <P>ME&You </P>
- <P>作曲:官锭AL, 阿福(邓福如)<BR>作词:阿福(邓福如)</P>
- <P>you're my everything<BR>and I need you to know<BR>I just can't waiting for the moment<BR>cause I love you so<BR>oh baby , you're my everything<BR>and I need you to know<BR>I will give you all all all my love<BR>yeah and you must know</P>
- <P><BR>oh baby 偷偷等待你出现<BR>and all night just want to see your face<BR>等你等你只有在梦里实现<BR>想你想你只能在天快亮以前<BR>me and you 流连在爱恋里面<BR>me and you 白与黑之间<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR>带我到宇宙的尽头<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR>oh 不想不想让你走<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>oh baby 偷偷等待你出现<BR>and all night see your face<BR>等你等你只有在梦里实现<BR>想你想你只能在天快亮以前<BR>me and you 流连在爱恋里面<BR>me and you 白与黑之间<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR><BR>带我到宇宙的尽头<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR>oh 不想不想让你走<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>迷留在浪漫星空 just me and you<BR>你轻轻的亲吻了我 just you and me<BR>我所要的不切实际<BR>baby 全都因为你而存在<BR>超脱疯狂的爱 就不害怕的去爱<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR>带我到宇宙的尽头<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>oh baby baby please don't go<BR>oh 不想不想让你走<BR>you are my lover never ever end<BR>让我们一起到永远<BR>you're my everything<BR>and I need you to know<BR>I just can't waiting for the moment<BR>cause I love you so<BR>oh baby , you're my everything<BR>and I need you to know<BR>I will give you all all all my love<BR>cause I love you so<BR></P></DIV></DIV>
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作曲:官锭AL, 阿福(邓福如)
作词:阿福(邓福如)you're my everything
and I need you to know
I just can't waiting for the moment
cause I love you so
oh baby , you're my everything
and I need you to know
I will give you all all all my love
yeah and you must know
oh baby 偷偷等待你出现
and all night just want to see your face
me and you 流连在爱恋里面
me and you 白与黑之间
oh baby baby please don't go
you are my lover never ever end
oh baby baby please don't go
oh 不想不想让你走
you are my lover never ever end
oh baby 偷偷等待你出现
and all night see your face
me and you 流连在爱恋里面
me and you 白与黑之间
oh baby baby please don't go
you are my lover never ever end
oh baby baby please don't go
oh 不想不想让你走
you are my lover never ever end
迷留在浪漫星空 just me and you
你轻轻的亲吻了我 just you and me
baby 全都因为你而存在
超脱疯狂的爱 就不害怕的去爱
oh baby baby please don't go
you are my lover never ever end
oh baby baby please don't go
oh 不想不想让你走
you are my lover never ever end
you're my everything
and I need you to know
I just can't waiting for the moment
cause I love you so
oh baby , you're my everything
and I need you to know
I will give you all all all my love
cause I love you so
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- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>失恋漫游</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>作词:口袋易百<BR>作曲、编曲、和声、混音:郑毅</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>街边飘落的枫叶停了<BR>路面行走的路人定格<BR>墙上时钟凝固这一刻<BR>鱼缸和日记都被你带走</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>我的世界突然安静了<BR>就像电影回放慢动作<BR>直到你真的离开镜头<BR>我的视觉瞬间失去颜色</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>我不想 被困在房间 像个鱼罐头<BR>灵魂失控不听我 到处漫游<BR>窥探的生活 你竟然很快乐<BR>我又何必折磨自我</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=royalblue size=2>离开你 每分每秒 都是虚构<BR>你的笑容你的温柔 似曾拥有<BR>仿佛我穿越另一个 平行时空<BR>就这样陷入时间的漩涡 失恋漫游</FONT></P></MARQUEE></DIV></EMBED /></FONT />
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- <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 93px; BOTTOM: 15px; HEIGHT: 40px; RIGHT: 10px"><FONT color=#c4e1e1 size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#005ab5>10.11:新单</FONT></STRONG> </FONT></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV>
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- <P align=center>未来我们每个人都有自己的人生轨迹,<BR>也许大同小异,也许大相径庭。<BR>可是,再也没有这样的人,<BR>会让我在青春最炽热的年华里,<BR>见证了他们跟自己的成长,<BR>那些是于我,最宝贵的财富。<BR>再也没有这样的人。<BR>再也没有。<BR>再也没有这样的人<BR>原曲:IU-早晨的眼泪<BR>填词:冢景芷熙&芋头<BR>后期:TORA </P>
- <P align=center>啊 忘了 那是 哪一年夏</P>
- <P align=center>初见的 一刹那 深深迷恋难自拔</P>
- <P align=center>笑的傻 泪落下 只因给出真心不假 </P>
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- <P align=center><FONT color=#ed98ab size=2>梦魇</FONT></P>
- <P align=center><FONT color=#ed98ab size=2>作曲:黄筱茜
- 编曲:晓风
- 混音:嘉熹
- 作词:水彩音符
- 策划:水彩音符
- 小提琴:欧阳新</FONT></P><FONT color=#ed98ab size=2>
- <P align=center>
- 心 在飘雪
- 很凄艳的花落在黑夜
- 就像我和你没人了解
- 也互相不理解</P>
- <P align=center>泪 在凝结
- 这荒唐的爱谁能理解
- 只能很心疼看你走远
- 任我声嘶力歇</P>
- <P align=center>哭不出的心碎 忘不了的情节
- 醒不了的梦魇 逃避的很厌倦
- 期待都被摧毁 这惶恐的感觉
- 删不掉的画面 拥有你的年月</P>
- <P align=center>为什么你能够 就这样不回头
- 忽然梦醒时候 还不止地泪流
- 很清冷的四周 很无助的感受
- 留我在夜尽头 没有你的以后
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