[个性头像] 就算整个世界荒芜,我也会是你的信徒

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  • 泪玘韵 (版主)

    板凳 2014-11-12

    际遇之神 奖励 发现、检举斑竹工作时间泡MM,管理给予5DB
  • 拾壹  (元老)

    沙发 2014-11-12

    With the body warm, separation or loneliness with memory when warm,
    real tears again, also do not touch the unreal

    六月拥抱着夏日炽热的火焰 含蓄惆怅
    In June, embrace the summer hot flame subtle melancholy

    | 阅读998 | 转载 620 | houdao | 922096 |

    九月隐蔽在冰冷的石窟 微笑流泪
    In September the hidden caves in the cold tears smile

    | 阅读937 | 转载 227 | houdao | 922096 |

    With the body warm, separation or loneliness with memory when warm,
    real tears again, also do not touch the unreal

    六月拥抱着夏日炽热的火焰 含蓄惆怅
    In June, embrace the summer hot flame subtle melancholy

    | 阅读998 | 转载 620 | houdao | 922096 |

    九月隐蔽在冰冷的石窟 微笑流泪
    In September the hidden caves in the cold tears smile

    | 阅读937 | 转载 227 | houdao | 922096 |

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