"春分雨脚落声微,柳岸斜风带客归。" 今天11时50分,我们迎来了二十四节气之一的"春分"节气。春分节气的英文表达: spring / vernal equinox vernal意为春天的;而equinox意为"一年中白昼和黑夜长度相同的日子"。春分节气的时间: "Vernal Equinox" arrives around March 21 every year and on this day, the sun is vertically above a point on the equator. 春分发生在每年3月21日前后,在这天太阳正好直射于赤道。春分节气形成的原因: "Vernal Equinox" indicates two meanings. Firstly, on this day, the night and day are approximately equally long with 12 hours each. Secondly, it's the mid-point for the spring season." 春分"代表了2层意思。第一,这一天白天和夜晚时间等长,都只有12个小时。第二,它是春季的中间点。 Vernal Equinox is the middle of spring and usually on the 20 or 21 of March every year. On this day, the sun directly blazes down the equator, so that day and night is equal in length. 春分是在春天中期,通常在每年的三月20或者21号。这一天,太阳直射赤道,所以白天、黑夜是一样长的。春分节气的气候特征: After this day, the sun continues to move to the north hemisphere and the temperature continues to rise. Daily average temperature in most areas in China reaches 0 degree Celsius above. 从春分以后,太阳继续向北半球移动,气温持续上升。在中国大部分区域,日均气温为0°以上。 Humans living thousands of years may not have known the details of this astronomy, but over generations they certainly learnt that the Earth gets warmer and colder in pretty regular cycles, with the spring equinox marking one point when the Northern Hemisphere begins to shrug off winter's cold. 活了几千年的人类可能并不是很清楚这个天文学上的详细原因,但是世世代代的人们都知道地球会周期性地降温和回暖,春分是其中的一个时间划分点,意味着北半球开始摆脱冬天的寒冷。 Warmer temperatures thaw frozen ground to make it easier for planting crops , increased rainfall waters these and animals that hibernated over winter emerge from their dens. 气温回暖,土地解冻,适合种植农作物,同时降雨增加,灌溉庄稼,冬眠越冬的动物也从各自的小窝里出来了。春分节气的传统习俗 It is a tradition in many places of China to erect eggs on vernal equinox, a term of Chinese lunar calendar. It is said that due to the sun's equidistant position between the poles of the earth on the first day of the spring, special gravitational forces apply. 在立春日竖鸡蛋是中国的一个传统习俗。据说由于在春天的第一天,太阳位于地球两极的中央,由于特殊的重力作用,鸡蛋很容易被竖着放置。 《咏廿四气诗·春分二月中》唐朝·元稹 二气莫交争,春分雨处行。雨来看电影,云过听雷声。山色连天碧,林花向日明。樑间玄鸟语,欲似解人情。 《蝶恋花·已过春分春欲去》宋朝·葛胜仲 已过春分春欲去,千炬花间,作意留春住。一曲清歌无误顾,绕梁余韵归何处。尽日劝春春不语,红气蒸霞,且看桃千树。才子霏谈更五鼓,剩看走笔挥风雨。 《癸丑春分后雪》宋朝·苏轼 雪入春分省见稀,半开桃李不胜威。应惭落地梅花识,却作漫天柳絮飞。不分东君专节物,故将新巧发阴机。従今造物尤难料,更暖须留御腊衣。 《踏莎行·雨霁风光》宋朝·欧阳修 雨霁风光,春分天气,千花百卉争明媚。画梁新燕一双双,玉笼鹦鹉愁孤睡。薜荔依墙,莓苔满地,青楼几处歌声丽。蓦然旧事上心来,无言敛皱眉山翠。 《柳梢青·花朝春分》清朝·顾贞观 乍展芭蕉。欲眠杨柳,微谢樱桃。谁把春光,平分一半,最惜今朝。 春分节气一到,气温普遍升高,草木逐渐变绿,花儿也相继开放,正所谓春暖花开,一年中最为美好的时光。 在这惠风和煦,草木焕发生机,大地一片新景象中,愿春和景明,国泰民康!