* go to client.cpp and type at the top
#include "trace.cpp"
#include "trace.h"
#include "defs.h"
* ok now keep client.cpp open and search for "see attack"
* you should see somethin like
//see attack.h
int currentWeaponID=0;
* delete all of that as its going to be defined where the a-wall codin is..
* now go back up to the top of client.cpp and anywhere really u can paste
// autowall
int penetrate;
int currentWeaponID=0;
bool CorrectGunX()
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_SCOUT)
penetrate = WALL_PEN2;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_AWP)
penetrate = WALL_PEN2;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_SIG)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_COLT)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_PARA)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_AUG)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_AK)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_SG550)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
else if(currentWeaponID==WEAPON_G3SG1)
penetrate = WALL_PEN1;
return true;
penetrate = WALL_PEN0;
return true;
int GetCurPenetration(void)
if (CorrectGunX())
return penetrate;
return WALL_PEN0;
bool CanPenetrate(float *start, float *end)
int maxhits = 10, count = 0;
float damage = 120;
strace_t tr;
pmtrace_t beam_tr, beam_tr1, *tmptr;
float srcorigin[3];
float diff[3], length, viewvec[3], unityview[3], position[3];
viewvec[0] = end[0] - start[0];
viewvec[1] = end[1] - start[1];
viewvec[2] = end[2] - start[2];
length = VectorLength(viewvec);
unityview[0] = viewvec[0] / length;
unityview[1] = viewvec[1] / length;
unityview[2] = viewvec[2] / length;
srcorigin[0] = start[0];
srcorigin[1] = start[1];
srcorigin[2] = start[2];
while (damage > 10 && maxhits > 0)
TraceThickness(srcorigin, end, 0, &tr);
if (tr.finished)
if (srcorigin[0] != tr.endpos[0] || srcorigin[1] != tr.endpos[1] ||
srcorigin[2] != tr.endpos[2])
if (count >= 2 && !tr.finished)
damage = 0;
position[0] = tr.endpos[0] + unityview[0] * 8.0;
position[1] = tr.endpos[1] + unityview[1] * 8.0;
position[2] = tr.endpos[2] + unityview[2] * 8.0;
tmptr = gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine(position, end,
memcpy(&beam_tr, tmptr, sizeof(pmtrace_t));
if (!beam_tr.allsolid)
tmptr = gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine(beam_tr.endpos, tr.endpos,
memcpy(&beam_tr1, tmptr, sizeof(pmtrace_t));
diff[0] = beam_tr1.endpos[0] - tr.endpos[0];
diff[1] = beam_tr1.endpos[1] - tr.endpos[1];
diff[2] = beam_tr1.endpos[2] - tr.endpos[2];
length = VectorLength(diff);
if (length < damage)
damage -= length;
srcorigin[0] = beam_tr1.endpos[0] + unityview[0];
srcorigin[1] = beam_tr1.endpos[1] + unityview[1];
srcorigin[2] = beam_tr1.endpos[2] + unityview[2];
damage = 0;
if (maxhits == 0 && damage)
tr.finished = false;
while (!tr.finished)
TraceThickness(srcorigin, end, 0, &tr);
if (tr.allsolid)
return false;
if (!tr.startsolid)
if (tr.finished)
return damage > 0.0;
return false;
srcorigin[0] = tr.endpos[0] + unityview[0];
srcorigin[1] = tr.endpos[1] + unityview[1];
srcorigin[2] = tr.endpos[2] + unityview[2];
return damage > 0.0;
bool pathFree(float *start, float *end)
bool pathtest;
strace_t tr;
if (cvar.autowall && GetCurPenetration())
pathtest = CanPenetrate(start, end);
TraceThickness(start, end, 0, &tr);
if (tr.finished)
pathtest = true;
pathtest = false;
return pathtest;
* ok now open up "trace.h" and add these definitions newhere again
#define WALL_PEN0 0
#define WALL_PEN1 1
#define WALL_PEN2 2
* open up both cvar.cpp and cvar.h now register the cvar "autowall"
* go to ur "common" folder and open up com_model.h
* search for "MinMaxS" and then u should see a "short" next to it..
* change the "short" to a "float" and theres 2 so do it to them both
* now open up your aimbot.cpp and search for "pathfree"
* delete all of that pathfree info as its already in client.cpp
P.S u can just take the autowall pathfree coding and replace it with the one
in aimbot.cpp but
u'd have to do the #includes in autowall too..
* ok now compile if u get NE WARNINGS where the Canpenetrate coding is then
change the "bool CanPenetrate" to "static bool CanPenetrate"
To any hack but Joolz 1.11
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