in the year of our lord 1239 公元1239年 there once lived a girl of a royal line 有一位有着王室血统的女孩 the ancient stories do recall ? 根据古老的故事所讲述的 she was the fairest of them all 她是最美的(女孩) in a castle made of stone 在石制的城堡里 every night she slept alone 她每晚独自长眠 any noise that would raise the dead 任何连亡者都能惊醒的声音 couldn't wake her sleepyhead 都无法唤醒她 a stranger came from a foreign land 遥远的国度来了一位陌生人 asking for the maiden's hand 希望与她结为连理 her father said no go away 她的父亲说,不行,走开 she's gonna marry a king one day 她某天终会嫁给一个国王 the stranger he came back again 那个陌生人离开后又回来了 riding with 10 thousand men 带着一万兵马 Their battle cries filled all with dread 战斗的呼喊能吓破胆 but couldn't wake her sleepyhead 但还是无法唤醒她 the fighting lasted all day long 战斗持续了一整天 but the castle walls were thick and strong 但城堡的墙壁又厚又强 the stranger cried let her decide 陌生人高喊,让她决定吧 where her true affections lie 她的心意究竟属于谁 so the king knocked on her door 于是国王敲响了她的门 only you can end this war 只有你能结束这场战争 (国王对公主所说的话) no one knows how the story ends 没人知道这个故事的结尾 did she ever wake again? 她醒来了么? will she ever wake again? 她还会醒来么?